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Hi, I’m Shani

I’m the host of A Single Serving Podcast and the author of A Single Revolution. I’m changing the narrative around being single, because so far it’s had pretty bad PR. I’m not an advocate for singlehood. I’m an advocate for women feeling good while single—there’s a difference.

What they say about my work

No Days Wasted Works (And I Won't Drink Without It)

No Days Wasted Works (And I Won't Drink Without It)

I don’t specifically “sell” products often. If ever. The links to No Days Wasted in this post are affiliate links, but the packets of No Days Wasted in my bag are far more important. No Days Wasted is a hangover helping supplement I first heard about on a podcast. Since my hangovers are increasingly both more severe and unfair in light of the meager volume I drink, I will quite frankly try anything. No Days Wasted is the only thing I’ve tried in recent years that I’ve rebought. And rebought, and rebought. I buy it in bulk now because my biggest fear is getting invited to something fun when I’ve run out.

I like glasses of wine over nice dinners. I like an ice-heavy Aperol spritz in the summer. I like a spiked seltzer while sitting in a baby pool pretending my backyard is a private country club with a short but distinguished wait list. What I don’t like is waking up the next day—sorry, is it even waking up if you never slept—feeling like I’ve just been processed through a pasta machine. No Days Wasted helps me here.

It doesn’t erase hangovers. For me, it softens them. The analogy I always give is that if you imagine your 39-year-old hangover as a sword, No Days Wasted dulls the point. It makes the next day far more liveable. Where I once would have spent the day with full-body aches, an upset stomach, and a cloudy, throbbing head, now I’m able to function as a human being and attend to my Sunday chores like an adult.

There are some hangovers that No Days Wasted can’t help you with. Overdrinking isn’t something I recommend even with a little helper like this. But for social, moderate drinking that’s leading to worse and worse hangovers as you age, this is the move. I never leave the house for a night out without it, and I have a spare in my wallet at all times. Take it in the MIDDLE of your evening, or afternoon if you’re a day drinking fan like me. If you try to take it when you get home at the end of the night, you’re too late. Obviously work in plenty of water but you knew that.

If your hangovers are starting to feel increasingly unfair and increasingly debilitating as you move through your 30s and 40s, we’re not without a little bit of help. I’ve been using No Days Wasted for over a year, and now I won’t drink without it. You can read more about it and purchase it here, and use code SHANISILVER for 15% off.

Podcast Episode: Happy In Her Solitude

Podcast Episode: Happy In Her Solitude

Podcast Episode: Poisoned Gruel

Podcast Episode: Poisoned Gruel